Veslemøy, a sensitive young woman, lives alone with her mother in the forests and mountains of Norway and looks after cattle. More and more isolated from society by her special clairvoyant abilities, she becomes a loner with bipolar traits. In the film, which is devoted to an excerpt from the epic, she meets the already dead sister, to whom she feels attracted in her loneliness and whom she finally follows into the realm of the dead.
The short film Haugtussa focuses on the literary figure Veslemøy from the volume of poetry by the Norwegian author Arne Garborg and is based on Edward Grieg’s song cycle of the same name. Music, action and dance stimulate equally on all levels to get closer to Haugtussa’s inner world. Through improvised dance, electronic music and classical song art, this art film brings the essence of the epic into the present.
Gefördert durch Deutscher Musikrat